Eating for the Holidays


Hello guys,

The holidays are literally upon us! YES 2016 went by so fast….so, so , so , so fast! A lot of us are wondering how we are going to maintain all our healthy practices in the midst of all the tempting food coming….don’t worry the thought has crossed my mind… I got you!

Studies show that the average person gains about 2-5 pounds during Christmas as so much is going on: house parties, office parties, shows, festivals, concerts…tasty, aromatic food is literally in your face at this time!

I have some tips below on what to do to  welcome January with a snatched waist, clothes still fitting and the scales not tipping over.

Discipline is key.

Continue reading “Eating for the Holidays”

Effective Meal Prepping for weight loss

Hello guys,

I am back again after so long..I apologise. I have been super busy and super maxed out.

I recently started a fitness group to help a group of ladies and men achieve their goals and dig into their true potential. A lot of people are quick to wish for and envy other people’s weight loss success without knowing or preparing for the work, tactics and planning that goes into changing ones lifestyle.

In this blog post, I am going to talk about meal prepping for sustainable weight loss. It is super easy to lose weight. There is a long line of strategies to choose from, from starvation to fad diets, the world is awash with ideas and theories on weight loss. However, true and sustainable weight loss requires diligence and support- one of the ways to prepare for this is meal prepping.

Continue reading “Effective Meal Prepping for weight loss”

Cellulite? No problem… Introducing SMOOTH SKIN EATING

‘I could actually get used to this writing an article a day life’ said Daisy as she logged unto her blog page….

While I am all for embrace your body, your curves or lack of…we all need great looking I did some digging around and found useful information I want to share with you all.

I actually got this reading an article from Amira Maafi as I was going through news feeds on…so here goes..

Cellulite is caused by the toxins we absorb and often times we focus on the artificial ways to get rid of them. Nature has answers too!

These are common foods you can consume for smooth skin eating as I will like to call it….they basically fight cellulite..

Drum roll…….

Continue reading “Cellulite? No problem… Introducing SMOOTH SKIN EATING”

Drinking yourself thin, gorgeous and healthy….

In line with my birth month celebration, I have decided to have an article a day (if I can swing it)..

Drinking yourself thin is something I am happy exists for people like me who are either lazy or semi-lazy to work out diligently (underline diligently).

The best way to do this, is to consume specially concocted elixirs comprising natural ingredients that will boost metabolism and burn all the bad fat in the body….this is meant to be seen  as a support to your fitness activities and should not completely replace physical activity.

There are 2 classes of drinks people use to boost/ aid their weight loss journeys: JUICES and SMOOTHIES and there has always been an argument as to which one is better or more effective.

Continue reading “Drinking yourself thin, gorgeous and healthy….”

For the love of bread……

Hello Guys!

Its been a while! I know! Multi-tasking does not really work when you are trying to build more than one new business….please forgive me..

August is my birth month, so my plan is to drop new articles everyday…I hope I can achieve this feat, considering my new track record…

So I have recently ventured into bread baking…and in the spirit of weight loss goals, I am using only 100% whole wheat flour, which as I have stated in the past is LOW GI and UBER nutritious, which is good for waist snatching and GLUCAGON stimulation!

Everyone loves bread…Nigerians love bread…you see bread everywhere and its one of the food items people struggle to give up on their weight loss journey. Even though most weight loss consultants talk about moderation, I personally believe that moderation under the right circumstances also gives you a bigger bang for your buck…

So I am going to share 2 bread recipes I have found and made and still looking for ways to make better and juicier….healthy food should not be boring…and you can eat all the bread you want.

Number one: Whole wheat Banana Nut Bread


The pic above shows a slightly burnt bread. This was my first attempt…..baking a new batch tonight!

So this bad baby….gives you 127 calories a slice..not bad for a cake taste-alike…

What you need:

One third cup vegetable oil (olive oil is better or any poly-saturate)

Half cup honey

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 eggs

1 cup mashed bananas

1 three-quarter cup wholewheat flour

Half teaspoon baking soda

A quarter cup hot water

Half cup chopped walnuts (I used peanuts)


Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).

In a large bowl, beat oil and honey together. Add eggs and mix well. Stir in bananas and vanilla. Stir in flour and salt. Add baking soda to hot water, stir to the mix. Blend in chopped nuts.

Spread the batter into a greased loaf pan. Bake for 55-60 minutes.

Cool on a wire rack for 30 minutes before slicing.

Number two: Whole Wheat (Weight loss) Bread with oats and flax seed.

I have always loved wheat bread even as a child (old soul!) and its so almost difficult to find it as easily as regular white bread; and even when I do its dry and very boring! So I searched for sugar free, weight loss wheat bread recipes I could try and home….and boy did it come out moist and delicious.

I get my wheat flour from the open market as grains and I have it blended for me- that way I am sure I am getting the real deal.

What you need:

3 half cup wheat flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon unsalted butter ( I use regular butter)

1 teaspoon dry yeast

2 cups warm water

1 teaspoon oats

1 teaspoon flaxseed

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl with half the quantity of water required. Stir and then add the remaining water again (you should have a nice dough consistency that is not too sticky).

Transfer the dough to a lighlty greased bowl (using butter or cooking spray…. I use cooking spray). Turn it around in the bowl to ensure the whole dough is glistening! Cover the bowl with cling film and a kitchen towel and place in the warmest part of the house to rise for 1-3 hours. It is ready when the dough doubles in size.

Once its risen, punch the dough so it deflates, place it on a floured surface and give a quick knead and then shape on a cookie tray or in a loaf pan. I add in my oats and flax seeds at this point.

Recover with the cling film/ wrap and the kitchen towel until it doubles in size again.

Pre-heat your oven to 425 degrees while it rises.

Remove the towel and cling film and place in the oven for 30-35 minutes. Your bread is ready when it sounds hollow once you tap it/ a toothpick comes out clean after being inserted.

Allow it to cool before slicing….

This baby gives you just 77 calories per slice…and is bursting with Omega fatty acids thanks to the flax seed

Serve with a mean egg omelette or an avocado spread

N.B: Understanding flour…most flour is wheat based.

  1. Wholegrain Flour (white wheat flour + whole wheat flour)
  2. Wholewheat Flour (pure wheat….the brown one)
  3. Wheat flour (the white one)

This is what the measurement cups look like….

baking cups


You can order a batch of 12….if all this is too long for you 🙂

Stay blessed!

Why Cinnamon should be your new sugar too…

Cinnamon is one of the most delicious, healthiest and sweet smelling spices out there.

It is gotten from the inner bark of several trees from the Cinnamomum family.

It can be used for both sweet and savoury dishes.

It is brown in colour and comes in two major varients: Cinnamomum Verum and Cassia. 

My first experience with this wonder spice was 2014 when I saw my cousin using it. It is super delicious and as a non-sugar user or lover…cinnamon has fit right into my lifestyle.

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I use cinnamon in the following ways:

  • Sprinkled into my oatmeal, breakfast cereal, custard and pap.
  • In my hot cocoa or night-cap milk.
  • In my tumeric milk.
  • In my daughter’s morning milk (I use it to mask the taste of the soya-bean I pour into it).

Some people:

  • Mix it into their butter, yogurt or cheese spreads to enhance the flavour.
  • Add it to juices or protein shakes
  • Have it as a supplement (tablet form).

Cinnamon has so many benefits and I will just let the pictures I found online do the talking….. 🙂


Cinnamon is also good for weight loss… 🙂 🙂 🙂


How does it do all these mentioned above?

  1. It can regulate your insulin levels by imitating its activity in your body. This means it decreases your blood sugar as well. A study has shown that adding cinnamon to a meal lowers its glycemic index by 18-29% (and we all know eating lower GI foods is important to avoiding spikes in our blood sugar levels).
  2. It boosts your metabolism as well as metabolizing fat and carbohydrates. Cinnamon (just like pepper) needs more energy to digest and metabolize and this makes you burn more calories. More calories burnt = weight loss! 
  3. It suppresses your appetite by slowing down the process of food movement into your stomach. This means you feel full for longer.
  4. Cinnamon alleviates your sweet craving due to its sweet nature. One of the major problems of weight management is the constant sugar cravings some people experience.
  5. It burns belly fat.
  6. It lowers your LDL Cholesterol (which is the bad cholesterol).

TIP: It can be combined with honey to blast all the excess fat from your body…

So what are you waiting for? Throw out the processed sugar in your kitchen and buy some cinnamon instead!

cinnamon the underestimated superfood

I have recently completed my Child Nutrition certification and I am super excited!!!!!!

Do you need a meal plan for your kids? Do you need help with kids that might be over-weight ( I am ready to work with you).

Drop a message and I get back to you as soon as possible….

Stay blessed!

Food Highlight!!!!

Hello guys!

A friend of mine gave me some feedback on the ‘The Food, Blood Sugar Connection’ post (click below if you missed it:).

I absolutely love feedback and through her’s, I found out the charts were not that self-explanatory, so I added comments underneath each chart.

Over the weekend, I creatively played with beans, white beans to be precise.

I started eating White Black-Eyed Beans in January and I have not looked back; here is why…



They are also rich in Vitamins A and B; low in calories and are LOW GI (they contain some carbohydrates).

So on Saturday, I made moin-moin (2 ways) with them. I will explain what I mean by 2 ways…in a bit.

For over a year, I have been using unpeeled beans to make my moin-moin and akara as the usual process gets rid of the fibre (which makes us feel full for longer and also aids digestion). If you are interested in how to make moin-moin or akara from unpeeled beans, send me a message or leave a comment.

2 ways? I made a batch using leaves and another batch using my muffin pan and this is what I got:


We ate it with custard…and did not eat lunch until 3:30/ 4pm ish…

Each piece was infused with herbs, spices, fish (mackerel), eggs,cucumber and topped with some parsley or cucumber….want the recipe? Send me a message!

Make sure you get some White Black-Eyed Beans the next time you visit the market!

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Stay blessed!

P.S: DEMS Soup Kitchen is the catering arm of this blog.

The Food, Blood Sugar connection….

Hello everybody,

In one of my early posts, I talked about carbohydrates and introduced the concept of High and Low GI foods. Today’s post is a follow up to that and is based on a request to talk about the connection between the food we eat and our blood sugar levels.

So let’s begin….

The nutrients found in food are divided into MACRO and MICRO nutrients. Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat are the Macro-nutrients. They are needed for standard body functions. The Micro-nutrients are vitamins and minerals found in our dairy, fruits and vegetables. These work on breaking down the Macro-nutrients during digestion.

The simplest form of sugar molecules is GLUCOSE and everything we eat breaks down into glucose in our body… (yes, protein, carbohydrates, fat, fruits, vegetables…they all break down into glucose in some form, quantity and at different timelines).

When food is broken down into glucose, the body releases the hormone INSULIN to take it up and allow it to be used by insulin dependent tissues (muscle, red blood cells, fat cells and the brain). Insulin is also responsible for sending signals once glucose levels are low, causing you to crave sugary, fatty food.


Looking at the chart above, once glucose is released in the blood stream, insulin kicks in and absorbs it all, giving it to the cells that need it. The excess sugar is stored as glycogen in the liver (for future use) and as fat in the body. Once glucose levels dip, insulin triggers food cravings and more sugar for energy…and the cycle continues.

Food affects your blood sugar levels, either negatively or positively.

As I stated in the beginning of this post, all foods get converted to glucose one way or another (still shocking right?). However, they do this at different rates and in different quantities/ volumes.



Foods containing carbohydrates (fruits, starchy vegetables, milk and yogurt) will affect your blood glucose levels the most, as carbohydrates convert quicker to glucose than protein and fat. Carbohydrate has been demonized more often than not as the source and epicenter of all our health problems. However as I have mentioned in previous posts, the trick is to consume whole grain; Low GI; complex carbohydrates to slow down the conversion to glucose and promote weight loss.

Since Carbohydrates convert into within 1-2 hours, eating carbohydrate only or carbohydrate rich foods will raise blood glucose more quickly than meals combined with protein and fats (which convert within 2-4 hours and 8-10 hours respectively). Eating combined meals make you feel fuller for longer, as energy is released slowly into the body.

Secondly, the portion size of your meals also has an effect on your blood glucose levels. Eating more food or bigger portions has a higher effect than eating smaller / recommended portions. This is because your daily requirements are in a standard portion size; eating more than this encourages the body to store the excess as fat in the muscles.


In the chart above, smaller combined meals, means the body is receiving the recommended portions of the food groups. This ensures blood glucose levels do not spike upwards or downwards as energy requirements are being fulfilled adequately.

It is important to monitor your food sizes especially when buying packed food (look at the nutritional information and pay attention to the total carbohydrate size per gram).

Thirdly, the timing of your meals (and snacks) and the intervals between each meal also has an effect on blood glucose levels. To lose weight, you should either eat every 2-3 hours or ensure your meals are eaten at the same time everyday to keep blood glucose levels consistent.

Non-breakfast eaters this is for you….

Late night/ continuous fasting eaters, this is for you…

Double portion eaters, this is also for you…


As detailed in the above chart, not eating at the appropriate time or recommended portions causes blood sugar spikes. It is either your body has too much sugar (food + processed sugar: fizzy drinks and sugary snacks) or it does not have enough or consistent sugar levels. In both scenarios, your body is storing FAT!!!!

Another danger of continuous blood glucose spikes is that it puts you at the risk of developing:

  • High cholesterol levels
  • High Blood pressure levels
  • Insulin resistance (cells resisting insulin; body storing sugar as fat; feeling tired and hungry easily)
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cardio-Vascular disease.

Fourthly, bad stress management also has an effect on our blood glucose levels. Stress forces us to binge eat, consume too much alcohol and smoke (in some cases).


  • Eating regular meals throughout the day. This helps your blood glucose levels rise slowly.
  • Consuming more low GI carbohydrates and whole grains. These release energy slowly; make you feel fuller longer (therefore you eat less); and moderate your blood sugar levels.



High GI foods convert to glucose quicker and are used as energy faster; whilst Low GI foods convert slower; peak lower; release energy slower and keep you full for longer. They help you lose weight by stabilising your blood sugar levels and  encouraging the body to burn fat and not muscle.

  • Ingesting more soluble fibrous foods (these slow down the digestion of starches along with the absorption of glucose into the blood stream).
  • Incorporating more protein and moderate (healthy) fat into your meals. This stimulates the production of GLUCAGON, a peptide hormone that encourages the liver to burn stored fat (triglycerides) into fatty acids for use as fuel/ energy by the cells. This ensures the brain has a good supply of fuel for 3-4 hours!

You actually want GLUCAGON in your life and body, it is the opposite of insulin and allows the body regulate the utilisation of glucose and fats.



The two charts above show you why proteins should be incorporated into your meals. Consuming lean protein+ complex carbohydrates (Low GI) ensures your body has fuel (for energy) for over 3 hours! This means you feel full and have no need or desire to snack on sugary, fatty items to boost your energy levels….

The charts above show the glucose-conversion time frame of most foods. This is just additional information to show why all your meals should have complex carbohydrate+ lean protein combinations.

For example, in chart 1, Canned Kidney Beans and Canned Salmon spike the least and keep on releasing energy after 2 hours. In chart 2, eggs barely spike and keep on releasing energy after 2 hours. A combination of whole oats and protein in both charts is perfect for maintaining blood glucose levels in the fat burning zone, as Glucagon kicks into effect when the glucose from the carbohydrate drops.


  • Fat burning!!!!!
  • The body releases fat, protects lean muscle, eliminates cravings and increases energy.
  • Improved concentration.
  • Improved moods.
  • Reduces hormonal imbalance.


Stable blood glucose levels keep your body in the fat burning zone!

So the equation is simple: reduce your carbohydrates; add protein; fibre and all the other good stuff! You will lose the weight and stay healthy!

Was this post interesting or helpful? Please leave a comment below!

If you want to read about any food related topic, kindly let me know and I will publish a post on your desired topic as soon as possible.

Stay blessed!


Modified Meal Plan

So I posted a meal plan a week ago and it will be nice to get some reviews on it.

Recipe requests? Feedback on if it looks good or easy to follow? Has anyone tried using it this week? I NEED FEEDBACK….I live on feedback in my business dealings….

I was looking at the plan and I realised it was somewhat incomplete so I added a few things as well as pictures. The pictures are meant to provide a visual guide for some of the things I put into the meal plan.

Please let me know what you think by commenting….it will be much appreciated.

Tell people about it so we can all live healthier lives…

Remember portion control is key; drink plenty of water; stay away from late meals; eat more of fruits and vegetables; exercise more…and you will see results!

Modified Meal Plan


Sample Meal Plan

Hello guys,

I know it has taken me a while to upload this but I have updated the Meal Plan and Recipe page with a meal plan I have used and still use to help me lose and maintain my weight.

In case you cannot view it, here it is  Meal Plan

Feel free to add elements of your own but remember to keep it healthy.

I have also included an exercise schedule if you really want to take your metabolism up a notch. You can search for cardio sessions on YouTube, there are tons. You can do them at home, with no equipment.

Also cook with fat mobilisers as much as possible and incorporate them into your smoothies.

Feel free to ask questions!

Stay blessed!

Carbohydrates are good for you….

Apologies for being away for a bit….Lagos living caught up with me…

Yes Carbohydrates are good for you if sustainable weight loss is your goal.

I know that promoters of certain fad diets advocate the elimination of carbs from our diet for weight loss and it works in the short term. However, these results are short lived as the weight comes back and even worse after some time.

The trick is to consume carbs in the right constitution, amount and time for us to start seeing some results that will stay with us forever!

I am not crazy…..and I will explain why you need carbs to lose weight.

Carbohydrates belong to the main food groups needed for a balanced diet. It is also an essential nutrient required for good healthy.

Carbohydrates are our main source of energy and should constitute 35-50% of our dietary energy. Not keeping up to this requirement means you will be forced to derive your energy from other sources- which can lead to weight gain.

Carbohydrates also help to breakdown fatty acids in the body; aid gastro-intestinal functions (insoluble fibre); and maintain blood glucose levels.

Carbohydrates break down into GLUCOSE or SUGAR in the body; and are either ‘simple-quick release’ (jam, cakes, sweets and confectionery) or complex-slow release’ (breads and cereal; rice, pasta, roots, oats, green leafy vegetables).

All carbohydrates are digested and absorbed by the body at different rates. Simple-quick release carbs are digested and absorbed quicker, whilst complex carbs are absorbed slower. This determines what kind of effect they have on our blood glucose levels. This effect is known as GLYCEMIC INDEX (GI).

glycemic index

Below is an example of the effect of the GI index of carbohydrates on our glucose and energy levels.


Simple carbs burn out quickly, our energy levels drop, we become hungry and are forced to either consume refined/ processed sugar (for quick energy) or over eat to keep up with our day.






Cereals Wholegrains/ mixed grain breads, barley, oatmeal or oat bran, wholemeal pasta and noodles, spaghetti, bulgur wheat, Uncle Ben’s rice, brown rice (ofada), quinoa, wheat tortilla, whole wheat flour Muffin, croissant, whole wheat, rye and pitta bread, wild rice, basmati rice, all bran cereal White bread, white baguette, bagel, corn flakes, instant oatmeal, coco-pops, short grain white rice, rice, cakes, soda crackers, couscous, semolina, Chinese noodles,
Fruit Most fruit (not over ripe), apple, pear, grapes, dates, orange, peach, pear, prunes, tomato Dried fruits Fruit juice, melon, water melon, pineapple, avocado, pawpaw etc
Vegetables Green and salad vegetables, legumes, lentils, beans, yam, corn, cassava, peas, olives, onions, ginger, peanuts, cucumber, spinach, sweet peppers Beetroot, sweet corn, Pumpkin, russet potato, boiled white potato, sweet potato, plantain
Dairy Cow’s milk, plain yoghurt, soy milk Ice cream Flavoured yoghurt
Others Unsweetened Orange juice, spices Honey, coke, fanta Lucozade, jellies, pretzels, doughnuts, biscuits, chocolate bar, pizza

High GI foods (grains, fruits, vegetables and dairy) are not entirely bad but should be consumed with more fruits, vegetables and high fibre foods.

Carbohydrates come in different forms: starch, grains, dairy, some fruits and vegetables. The best type of grain to consume is wholegrain. This is high in fibre, contains the whole kernel and is low in its glycemic index. Refined grains are processed, are low in fibre and high in glycemic index (these should be eaten in moderation).


Wholegrain meals are the only ones that have the entire grain milled, whilst with refined grains, the bran and germ (the nutritious parts) are removed.

According to global healthy eating guidelines, you should consume 5-6 servings of carbohydrates a day (this however varies according to age, gender and activity levels. A serving is usually the size of your palm or a slice of bread (too small right for what you are used to?).


When carbohydrate breaks down into glucose, the glucose gets stored as energy. Excess glucose is stored as GLYCOGEN in the liver and muscle- these are released into the blood stream when energy levels are down.

Excess glucose once GLYCOGEN has been stored in the liver, is now stored as FAT in the body.

Consuming excess sugar in forms of fizzy drinks, sweets and confectionery in addition to large portion carbohydrates mess up our energy levels, make us tired quickly and trick us into taking in more sugar. This leads to excessive weight gain.

For sustainable weight loss, the key is to remember carbs=sugar; take more low and medium GI foods; avoid fizzy drinks; and eat low portions.

FYI: click on this link below

What Happens To Our Body After Drinking Coca Cola?

Has this post or any other post been useful to you, please drop a comment below and share with others. Let us share the gospel of healthy eating!


Now that tomatoes are the new gold….

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Are tomatoes fruits or vegetables? Yes this is a learning blog, so as a qualified teacher I can ask all sorts of questions and expect answers…..hehehehehehe!

So its no longer news that the price of tomatoes in Nigeria (at least the Southern part…I don’t know the price in the North is) has gone up. This is largely due to the rainy season. Apparently tomatoes and the rains do not mix. It baffles me that after all these years we don’t have preservation hubs for some staple and ESSENTIAL Nigerian agricultural produce….but that’s ranting for another day

This price is expected to go up with the current deregulation of the petroleum downstream sector.

I went to the market a couple of days ago and I was confused and rendered mute as the seller told me how much the tomatoes cost…..what was I going to cook with the miserable amount on the mini tray. I was forced to add canned tomatoes to my stew (something I absolutely hate…ok hate is a strong word….dislike)

So now that tomatoes are the new gold and being Nigerians, who like to eat stew with anything….during NYSC, I went to a Mr Biggs franchise and the dude attending to me actually put stew in my Ogbono…as a South-South girl I was livid….kai…

Back to the blog…how can we move away from our stew dependence, especially in this trying period? Well I have good news for you, there are other delicious sauces you can consume that are rich in fibre and vitamins…they have the ability to excite your bowels and actually help you burn some calories…

Here it goes

Vegetable Sauce

Vegetable Sauce

Everyone has their own version of  a Vegetable Sauce. It can be eaten with rice, pasta, yam, potatoes (Irish and sweet), couscous/ quinoa (for an extra healthy punch) and even beans and plantain (YES, and it was great!).

Now you can add anything to these babies…..anything! The key is cooking the vegetables perfectly without losing the nutrients that are supposed to trim our waist lines and burn fat..We can substitute this with our local ‘green’ or efo….remember to eliminate the oil and keep it fresh.

So the things to add include (and are not limited to…) carrots, cucumbers, green pepper, spring onions, ginger, garlic, peas, cabbage, skinned chicken pieces/ prawns/ shrimps, cayenne pepper (fresh or powdered); stock; thickening agent; spices; seasoning….

So I take my stored chicken stock (chicken because at this stage you should have kissed red meat goodbye if you want to eat and lose weight). Take off the fatty layer on the top. Letting your stock rest, helps you successfully separate the fat from the juice. Cooking your chicken with as little water as possible helps you get a really thick and delicious stock.

So stock in the pot, add onions, cayenne pepper (fat mobilizer), ginger and garlic (both are fat mobilizers) bring to a boil, add seasoning cubes (just a bit as the stock should be really spicy), add your spices: curry, oregano (fat mobilizer) , rosemary etc.; once boiling, add your thickening agent; and your chunks of chicken/ shrimps/ prawns.

I like to use oatmeal flour as my thickening agent, instead of potatoes, yam or regular flour as it is rich in fibre and also burns bad cholesterol from your body. Finally, add the chopped up vegetables and cook for 2 seconds. The key is to keep them crunchy to retain their fibre-state; besides the steam from the hot sauce will keep cooking the veggies , so a second is fine.

Now another method will be to stir-fry the veggies first in little oil and then add all the other ingredients…however you stand the risk of cooking the veggies longer.


Chicken Curry

chicken curry

Everyone also has their own version of curry…I have a cheat mode (I can’t come and kill myself).

I add chicken stock, throw in some curry, and an extra thickening agent if I wish to…add my spices (same as the Veggie Sauce); add pieces of my skinned chicken; add some Parsley (you can find dried ones in Nigerian stores and its a fat mobilizer!!!) ….cook longer than the veggie sauce and voila…my chicken curry is ready.

I eat this with anything as well and its great…

Other sauces are Garden Egg Sauce and our regular Egg-Stew….these are usually high in their oil content so, consume in moderation if weight loss is your goal

Do you guys have other sauces you substitute for stew, please feel free to share. Let’s help each other out of this tomato scarcity….lol

In other news, Serena Williams ate her dog’s food…is this the new celebrity fad?

Stay blessed darlings!